Search Campaign Finance Reports
Help Searching Campaign Finance Reports
Note: "Cash on Hand" reports can be found at Search▸Campaign Finance Reports▸Total Contributions Maintained found in the gray tab bar above.
Update: The Advanced Search Functionality has recently changed
As of April 21, 2023, we have changed how the Advanced Search for Campaign Finances presents the search results.
Rather than providing only the first page of results with a button to download the full results, the page now provides the complete search results up front with page navigation buttons in the top right corner (similar to the Simple Search results pages).
Navigating through Results: When the Advanced Search returns the individual transactions, it will only display the most recently filed report. To navigate through the remaining reports, use the ▶ (Next) button in the top right of the result page directly next to "Page 1 of ...".

Downloading Advanced Search Results:
In order to download these results, hover over the
(Export) button in the top left corner of the page.
Doing so will give a drop down of the different Download File options including "PDF" and "XLSX".
The Texas Ethics Commission database contains data from campaign finance reports filed electronically with the Ethics Commission since July 2000. You may search campaign finance reports for specific information and you may also view, in PDF format, campaign finance reports filed electronically.
Internet Availability
Paper Reports
Simple Search
Advanced Search
Advanced Search Data Results
Search for Information on a Specific Candidate or Officeholder
Internet Availability: As a general rule, a
campaign finance report that is filed electronically is available on the Internet within
two business days after it is filed.
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Paper Reports: Paper reports filed prior to 2008
are not available for viewing online using the Simple Search. Although links are provided to a
well known location for pdf and csv files, these pdf reports were not copied and saved in our
public directory and the csv files cannot be generated. You should contact the Ethics Commission
if you would like to obtain a copy of a paper report. In addition, the database does not contain
detailed information such as individual contributions or expenditures for any paper reports.
Only totals data is available from our database.
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Simple Search: Use the simple search if you want
to do a search based on a single criterion. For example, a search by filer name will produce
a list of reports filed by the filer since 1992. A search by Acronym will produce a list of all P
ACs that have ever registered with Ethics Commission since 1992.
Navigating through Reports: When the Simple Search returns the Campaign Finance reports for a specific Filer, it will only display the most recently filed report. To navigate through the remaining reports, use the ▶ (Next) button in the top right of the result page directly next to "Page 1 of ...".

Advanced Searches: Use one of the advanced searches
if you want to combine criteria in your search. For example, the Advanced Filer Search would
allow you to generate a list of all cntributions filed by a candidate or officeholders who filed
the January 2003 semiannual report electronically.
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Data from Special Pre-Election and Special Session reports are required to also be reported on the subsequent report. For example, if your search criteria covers a span that has both Special Pre-Election or Special Session reports and the subsequent semi-annual report, you would see everything reported on the Special Pre-Election report twice in your results; once from the Special Pre-Election report and once from the semi-annual report. This is duplicate data from t he multiple filing requirements, not additional data.
Corrected reports contain all the data from the original report plus any corrections.
If a report was corrected, only the results from the last corrected report will be listed.
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Searching For Information About A Specific Candidate
or Officeholder: Although a candidate or officeholder is not required to
set up a specific-purpose committee, many candidates and officeholders do so. In order to
make sure that a search produces reports filed by an individual as well as reports filed
by a committee supporting or opposing the individual, you should search by last name only.
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For more assistance with searching campaign finance reports please call Technical Support at 512-463-5800 Monday through Friday, 8:00AM - 5:00PM Central Time.